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Preconfiguring Kubernetes Secrets

Deploying Airbyte requires specifying a number of sensitive values. These can be API keys, usernames and passwords, etc. In order to protect these sensitive values, the Helm Chart assumes that these values are pre-configured and stored in a Kubernetes Secret before the Helm installation begins. Each integration will provide the Secret values that are required for the specific integration.

While you can set the name of the secret to whatever you prefer, you will need to set that name in various places in your values.yaml file. For this reason we suggest that you keep the name of airbyte-config-secrets unless you have a reason to change it.

You can apply your yaml to the cluster with kubectl apply -f secrets.yaml -n airbyte to create the secrets.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: airbyte-config-secrets
type: Opaque
# Examples
key-1: "value-1"
key-2: "value-2"